Hello friends!
Saturday night was quite excellent. I met for dinner with the student program adviser, Nyssa, and other students from the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire that will be attending Harlaxton in the spring. It was nice to hang out and get to know each other before we head out. We also met a couple weeks ago in UWEC's Davies Student Center to ensure that we had a couple of chances to talk prior to leaving in January. It was really wonderful to talk with some of the other students. We got to discuss our level of excitement along with nerves...which we summed up to terrified..excitably terrified. But it will be excellent. I also have ended up canceling the trip to stratford as I found out that I had not signed up for the class that was required to go there. I may end up taking a day trip myself for the theatre aspect. I've also officially signed up for the school organized long weekend trip to Ireland and I am so incredibly excited about that.
- Erin