Hello friends!
I will be studying abroad during the spring 2015 semester at Harlaxton Manor in England.
If you would like to know more about the manor here's the website: http://www.harlaxton.ac.uk
There is a chance you have seen Harlaxton before! Either through my Pinterest (http://www.pinterest.com/erihead/study-abroad-harlaxton/) or through film! Harlaxton has been featured in multiple films with The Haunting(1999) being the most well known one. Harlaxton manor was built by the amazing Gregory Gregory. (Side note: I find that to be an extremely cool name...it's like Phillip Phillips but better.) He merged multiple architectural styles, mainly elizabethan and jacobean, together to come up with the result that is Harlaxton Manor. There is a lake. There is a mile long driveway. There is a carriage house. This manor might as well be a castle, it is so detailed and spectacular. I haven't even gotten there yet and I can tell... although I am sure it will be a million times more as spectacular when I am actually there. Harlaxton is also very much like Hogwarts from Harry Potter. They split the students into four houses and have house competitions. It will be excellent. While the names are different, the colors are similar, which makes me a very happy and dorky person.
Also, If you want to know more about current events in the UK look for the BBC news headlines to the right of the posts! There is also a countdown to when I depart. I will be leaving the United States at approximately 6:12pm on January Seventh. It will be a 8 hour and 13 minute flight that will consist of sleeping, movies, and books...at least that's my current plan. I am so extremely excited and a bit of a mix of other expected emotions.
Last week we had our study abroad orientation which provided all sorts of tips, lists, and important details. It also led me to buying that lovely plane ticket. Yay! I was given a packing list...I still do not know how I am going to fit everything for three and a half months into one suitcase and a backpack. There will be lots of elimination which will result in frustration and a need for chocolate..or coffee..coffee is always a good option. Anyways, I will be occasionally posting updates in the next few months of all the excitement and annoyances of preperation for my wonderful semester at Harlaxton Manor! There will be plans for potential weekend trips, I may be given a british family..the excitement will continue to build.
Thank you all for being so incredibly amazing and supportive!
- Erin